Accessing CIOS

CIOS can securely be accessed at
Note:  Valid GT credentials are required for access. 

CIOS can also be accessed through Canvas (i.e., the Institute’s learning management system). 

A link to CIOS should appear on the course dashboard in Canvas.   
Note: If you are accessing Canvas on a mobile device, use the Canvas app to access CIOS. 

Accessing CIOS Results

School Chairs, Interdisciplinary Program Directors, and Other School Administrators

School Chairs, Interdisciplinary Program Directors, and other School Administrators, can access CIOS results for courses in their academic programs. From the CIOS Dashboard, results can be accessed through the Report Wizard or the Reports menu. You will not see student comments. Instructions are provided in the following Reporting Guides:

Note: Users with department access who are also teaching a course need to switch to the instructor’s view to manage their course and review comprehensive CIOS results.   

Instructors and Teaching Assistants (TAs)

Instructors have access to their course results, their individual instructor results, and results for the TAs affiliated with their course. TAs only have access to their individual results.

How to Access Instructor Results 

Log into SmartEvals. Current active course surveys (if any) and results from previous terms are displayed on the Instructor dashboard.  Select the “See Reports” link at the bottom of the course field to access results. More detailed instructions are provided in the following Reporting Guides: 

NoteTAs who are also enrolled in courses with an active CIOS survey will be given a prompt to complete the surveys.  Proceeding switches the TA to Student View.  This view will remain until surveys are completed, or the TA logs out. 


Current students can access CIOS results for courses offered in prior semesters.

How to access Student View Results

To access the student view results, log into SmartEvals. At the bottom of the login page, select the “See Results” icon. This will populate a listing of all courses, including the semester in which they were offered, the instructor who taught the courses, response rates and other relevant variables. Results can then be filtered using the text box in each of the column headers. A step-by-step guide is available to help you navigate and filter the data in the CIOS Student View:

Please note that if the response rate for CIOS falls below a minimum threshold of 30% and if the number of responses is less than 5 respondents for any course, the results will not be displayed.

CIOS results are based on opinions and can include bias. Interpret with care.

Who can see what results? 

Reporting access by role CIOS Scaled Results CIOS Comments TA’s Scaled Results TA’s Comments
Instructor Their Own Their Own All within their own course All within their own course
TA Supervisor N/A N/A All within their own course All within their own course
Teaching Assistant None None Their Own Their Own
School Chair All within their own unit None All within their own unit All within their own unit
Students All – Summary only None None None

Interpreting the Interpolated Median 

Included in the descriptive statistics reported, is the interpolated median.  The interpolated median provides a measure of the center of a distribution of scores and takes into account the percentage of the data that is strictly below versus strictly above the median.  It provides a measure that is within the upper bound and lower bound of the median in the direction that the data is more heavily weighted (Murray & La Crosse, 2018). As such, the interpolated median provides more information than the standard median, which makes it ideal for gaining deeper insights from course evaluation data.