Institute Assessment Council
Program-level outcomes assessment at Georgia Institute of Technology dates back to 1995. The assessment of program-level student learning outcomes is important for the Institute to advance innovation in the teaching and learning process. Currently, the Institute has an annual assessment process wherein, on May 31 of each year, academic degree programs submit annual assessment reports to the Office of Academic Effectiveness (OAE). These reports detail the assessment of expected program-level student learning outcomes, the extent to which these outcomes are realized, and the use of results to inform program improvements. In the spirit of continuous improvement, the Institute Assessment Council is charged by the Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness.
Council Charge, Roles, and Responsibilities
Council Charge, Roles, and Responsibilities
Council Charge
The Assessment Council is charged to bring together assessment professionals from across campus for networking and collaboration in an effort to develop and foster a culture of continuous improvement across the Institute.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Assessment Council
- Collaborate on initiatives designed to build capacity across the Institute for meaningful assessment of student learning and the student experience.
- Annually, evaluate the quality of the Institute’s assessment processes by conducting a meta-assessment of a representative sample of assessment reports from academic degree programs and academic and student support services.
- Provide support to the Office of Academic Effectiveness (OAE) in advancing academic effectiveness initiatives.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Members
- Participation in regularly scheduled ICAA meetings.
- Support the ICAA in executing its charge.
- Champion academic effectiveness in their school and college.
Council Membership
Council membership is comprised of representatives from each of the Colleges and Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE). Members are invited by the Associate Provost. They are encouraged to invite other colleagues to assessment council meetings to discuss good practices in assessment.
Meeting Frequency: The Committee will meet quarterly during the academic year. If needed, the Chair may call additional meetings.
Committee Chair
The committee is chaired by the Director of Assessment in the Office of Academic Effectiveness.
Following are current members:
Director of Undergraduate Studies and Senior Academic Professional Department of Biomedical Engineering

Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies, Online & Prog. Education, Academic Professional – School of Modern Languages

Director of Graduate Advising and Assessment and Assistant Director of Teaching Effectiveness