Faculty Council on Accreditation
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Programs within Georgia Tech possess many accreditations across the Institute by agencies such as the Accrediting Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Int’l (AACSB), the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) and more. While program self-studies are prepared at the unit level, we can learn from all the accreditations at Georgia Tech, and taken together, learn how they create synergies for quality and excellence, serving not only as a tool for SACSCOC reaffirmation of the Institute, but promote a culture of continuous improvement. In that spirit, the Faculty Accreditation Council was formalized by the Provost to address our understanding of multiple accreditation standards and our interpretation and application of them to accomplish a culture of continuous improvement at Georgia Tech.
White Paper: Creating the Next in Academic Effectiveness
The purpose of the Faculty Accreditation Council is to advise and facilitate the Institute’s application of multiple accreditation standards, and to especially promote outstanding educational practices and a culture of continuous improvement. Enhancing institutional commitment with a focus on student learning, the standards of the following agencies are another tool in our preparation for the Institute’s regional accreditation with SACSCOC.
The Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness is the SACSCOC Liaison for the Institute. Along with the Assistant Vice President for Institutional Research & Enterprise Data Management, the Associate Provost will convene the group quarterly, promoting discussions related to accreditation standards and continuous improvement.